We always need help with these chores during work days and other times. To receive credit, note hours worked in the sign-in book in the shed. Before spending money, please ask the treasurer about our budget and reimbursement.
General maintenance
Pick up litter; sweep perimeter
Weed the path and between plots (and common areas, only with guidance)
Tidy and clean the shed
Fill the water barrels and the pond (ask for help opening the hydrant)
Overturn anything that will collect water so we can control mosquitos
Remove fallen fruit from the base of the peach and plum trees
Keep the morning glories on the Franklin Avenue fence under control and off the berm
Prune the wisteria and keep it off the peach tree
Using loppers, cut down the large plant pile next to the compost bins into 6-inch pieces and spread it on the mulched area
Water tea garden, container plants, shrubs, trees as appropriate, and any wilting plants
Keep solar lights well-planted along the path
Weed other areas only with guidance; weed the strawberry patch
Put out trash and recycling the night before collection (trash Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings; recycling Wednesday morning)
Empty the compost bins and help turn the compost (only with the compost team)
Graphic Design
Make flyers and notices for gate bulletin board and new members
Make signs and banners for events
Building Projects
Work on solar pump for pond
Repair and replenish tank, signs, shed and other equipment and supplies as needed
Host or assist with garden events
Attend NYRP event, GreenBridge workshop, plant sales etc. on behalf of garden
Provide transportation for purchase of chicken feed, plants, etc.
Get material/food donations for events and ongoing projects
Research grants, monetary donations or fundraising opportunities