Meeting Minutes — Member Information — Greene Acres Community Garden

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Meeting Minutes - 11/13/06

Greene Acres Community Garden Meeting
Monday November 13, 2006
Greene Avenue

Attending: John (NYRP), Amanda, Seth, Kim, Masha, Bianca, Brian, Susan, Venice

Action Points:

  • * Amanda will send compost membership information sheet so that John can print a bunch up to leave in the box that will be mounted on the shed door. (anyone who is interested in joining the garden as a composting member should get one of these sheets)
  • * Bianca is going to come up with a list of garden leadership jobs.
  • * John is going to follow up with Dariel concerning the financial records.
  • * John and Amanda will work together to winterize the water tank.
  • * Next regular Garden Meeting will take place on February 12th. (place is tbd)
  • * Kim will shut of email reminder until February 2007
  • * Bianca will be the February meeting coordinator.

2006 Recap:

The composting volunteers did a great job collecting compost from the many compost members and the Fort Green Farmers Market, composting is on going.

We had another very successful movie night; we can look to expand this next year.

Pond, berm and other landscape features looked very good this season.

Lots of good fruit including figs and peaches!

Many smaller events where held including workshops, garden tours ext.

Masha and Kim are still harvesting vegetables from their garden plots! They are using row covers to great success.

2007 Projects:

All beds will be replaced in the spring of 2007. Gardeners will work obtain lumber from Green Thumb, NYRP will provide any additional lumber. Build a handicap accessible bed in the NW corner of the garden adjacent to the Franklin Av. Entrance. The design of the handicap accessible bed will be finalized in the spring.

A renewed focus will be placed on attracting and retaining new members. Some strategies for achieving this goal will include, designating a meeting coordinator to organize and plan our regular meetings, maintaining a regular schedule of work days and open hours, fixing our current banking system to make it more open and transparent.

A visioning process should be undertaken in order to determine future landscape design for the garden that will continue to build and evolve the current garden layout.

Other Stuff:

Bianca may no longer be with us after the spring of 2007.
Some ideas for next season include: pruning workshop, garden tour, season extension workshop