Explore the Garden
Greene Acres plots in 2012
Jonathan P. created this plan of the garden in 2009. Elizabeth updated it in 2012 with plot numbers and the addition of plot 25. Since then these plots have been updated to raised beds during the summer of 2019.
In September 2012, the garden adopted Rhode Island Red hens. “The girls,” as they have come to be known, quickly charmed the garden and the neighborhood. Since then, some of the hens have passed on, and we’ve welcomed a few new additions! Certain garden members will let them out for exercise and foraging, and we ask that everyone take care to close the gate when the girls are out. During the summer of 2019 Patty passed away. In the fall we introduced three new chickens and expanded the coop. We have a dedicated committee of “Chicken Tenders” who look after the chickens all year round. Interested in joining the committee? Check the calendar for our next chicken chat.
We currently have seven chickens in our flock.
From left to right: Big Mama, Luna, DJ, and Patty
The goldfish in our pond bring lots of visitors. Keeping the pond clear is an ongoing challenge. We have been working on a solar-powered project to filter and pump the water in the pond.
Waterlilies in the pond
Water Harvesting
Greene Acres harvests rainwater. From the roof of the neighboring building, water flows down a three-story downspout into the water tank. We use the water for common areas and plants that will not be eaten. Diverting rain reduces flooding, and storing water reduces our reliance on water from the fire hydrant.
Fruit trees and bushes
We grow several kinds of fruit at Greene Acres. In late spring, look for strawberries. Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries follow in summer. Finally, late summer brings abundant figs and peaches (and their hungry fans).
Tea Garden
The tea garden revitalized a neglected berm by the pond. We built and planted a garden of about 30 different herbs and medicinal plants for use in teas and infusions. Aromatic and colorful throughout the season, plants like verbena, poppy, lavender and hyssop draw in passersby, and all are welcome to enjoy their benefits. (This tea garden is now defunct, but we hope a new gardener might revive it.)
Rainwater water tank
A ripe fig in late summer